Monday, November 1, 2010


The climax of Halloween came the night before as we rolled ourselves to the Trunk-o-Treat. After creating a masterpiece of a costume for Eli (Thomas the Train), he refused to wear it. He was a bit overwhelmed by everything that was happening... there were games, candy and a lot of weird people dressed up. I did make a bucket for him that didn't leave his side. At least he liked something. Plus, he learned how to say "Thomas".

Joe and I had the gumption to dress up. Oh, we are so spirited.

I have to say I thought I was pretty clever coming up with our costumes... even the babe got to dress up.

If you can't figure it our from the picture I'm an oven, the babe's a bun, and Joe's the mighty baker.

Halloween morning we did get Eli to put on his costume in order to take pictures and a bit of video. Our camera doesn't always work though and we have lines going through the pictures/videos. Still, lines and all, Eli's pretty cute. Perhaps we'll get a new one but that's we say about everything else we own.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog! Eli is the cutest. Also, love the costumes- very creative! Miss you three like mad...
